Schoolchildren have the opportunity to shadow apprentices

Girls' and Boys' Day at JUMO: Insight into an Exciting High-Tech Company

Girls' and Boys' Day is the largest career orientation day in Germany, and JUMO has enthusiastically taken part for many years. This year, 27 students took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the working world at JUMO and gain an insight into the technical and commercial professions.


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What does JUMO actually do? Where are JUMO products used? Frank Blasinger, Head of Technical Training, answered these and many other questions. He was supported by a team of motivated apprentices and their instructors, who allowed students to shadow them.

During the plant tour, the students were given an overview of the wide range of products offered by the Fulda-based specialist for industrial measurement and control technology. There was also a lot of interesting information presented when JUMO apprentices detailed their professions – these included industrial clerk, electronics technician, IT specialist, and industrial mechanic. Afterwards, they were allowed to join in themselves and produce their own workpieces under the guidance of the JUMO instructors.

Many students took the opportunity to visit their relatives who work at JUMO in various departments. "We hope that we have been able to arouse interest in JUMO as a versatile employer and would be very pleased to welcome some of you as colleagues in the future," said Frank Blasinger.

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