Successful ideas management honors the best suggestions

JUMO Is Celebrating Ideas

JUMO ideas management has a high priority within the company. This was made clear by General Partner Bernhard Juchheim, the JUMO Chief Executive Officer Dimitrios Charisiadis, and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld during two ideas management celebrations with around 50 employees at each at the "Berghof" in Almendorf.


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JUMO Chief Operating Officer Dr. Steffen Hoßfeld emphasized that the submitted ideas will help to further increase the company's success and competitiveness.

JUMO General Partner Bernhard Juchheim praised and thanked the employees for their commitment. He encouraged them to inspire others to explore new ways to tackle challenges and seize opportunities.

Monika Thom, Head of JUMO Ideas Management, had an overall positive assessment. Last year, 218 ideas were submitted by 187 employees. A total of 99 ideas were implemented in 2022, including ones from previous years, as she went on to emphasize. "No idea is wasted. Thank you for your thoughts, for formulating them, and for submitting them. Doing so shows that you have a genuine interest in improvement and change within our company," Thom said.

By implementing these ideas, JUMO was able to save around 330,000 euro over the past year. This was rewarded with bonuses of around 34,000 euro.

First place for the best idea went to Jutta Schleicher and Nico Halsch. The two had concrete thoughts on how to improve the process for circuit board patterns in the long term. They turned two previously separate processes into one combined process in which the pattern is immediately managed as version "00" and already included in the drawing system.

Here the advantage is that if the pattern passes the tests then no changes are needed in the documentation and no new marking of circuit boards is required during the transition to the production process. In short, no media break occurs. The resulting savings in reworking time are in the mid five-digit range. Second place went to Verona Griese and Rafael Rüb while Christian Trost and Harald Kaib were delighted to receive third place. Here, too, the savings per year were in the five-digit range.

The group lunch provided ample opportunity for General Partners, management, the workers' council, and employees to discuss current JUMO topics.

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