Project fully on schedule and on budget

New JUMO Plant in the Technology Park: "Things Are Moving Forward in Leaps and Bounds"

"Things are moving forward in leaps and bounds," says a delighted Stefan Reith, JUMO project manager for the new plant in the Fulda-West Technology Park. The bad weather in July could not impact Reith and his team. "We have made up for the disadvantages caused by the three-week rain period and we are still a few days ahead of schedule," he says.


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Costs also remain within the planned range. He emphasizes that the entire team is highly motivated and the cooperation between the individual sections runs hand in hand. Reith is impressed by the expertise of the involved companies. "The craft companies and the partner companies have a tremendous amount of technical knowledge and years of experience. This is a basis for the rapid progress of construction," stresses the JUMO project manager.

Currently, the concrete work of the last structural shell section in the basement is in progress and all walls have already been set. The last filigree ceilings above the basement are currently being placed.

Manufacturing of ice walls – at 30 °C

The excavation of the foundations for the 2 staircases started this week. Additionally, the ceiling panels were laid above the supply and logistics corridor this week– the full height of the building will be reached for the first time!

Simultaneously, the installation of supports, ledgers, and frost aprons is currently underway. "We already have to think about winter now, even though the construction workers are currently struggling with a good 30 °C on the site," says Reith.

Production area of around 13 000 square meters

JUMO is building a plant for the production of temperature and pressure sensors in the Technology Park with a manufacturing area of around 13 000 square meters. These product areas have recently experienced above-average growth. JUMO sees great potential here in the coming years as well. At a cost of 50 million euro, the new building is the largest investment in JUMO's history.

Geothermal drilling in the next few days

According to current planning, JUMO will completely dispense with fossil fuels. A geothermal plant is to be used for heating support. This will cover the peak load while the base load will be met entirely by heat recovery from the production processes.

Test drilling took place during the week of August 28. "After that, we know how many wells we need to drill for geothermal energy," Reith explains.

The cooling and ventilation systems of the new plant will be predominantly operated with self-generated current from a photovoltaic system.

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