2023 trees against climate change

JUMO plants a anniversary forest

JUMO is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2023 with numerous activities under the motto "People and technology on the move". As part of the celebrations 100 employees have now planted 2023 young oak trees in the UNESCO Rhön Biosphere Reserve, laying the foundation stone for the JUMO anniversary forest.


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After 75 deciduous trees had already been planted by the JUMO management and the anniversary team on the " German Green Belt" in March of this year in a first small-scale campaign, this time it was on a completely different scale. Nevertheless, the JUMO employees only needed around two hours to successfully plant the more than 2000 trees at the "Black Cross" in the forest area between Hofbieber and Morles. The subsequent lunchtime snack of venison sausages was more than welcome in the autumn weather.

In his welcoming address, JUMO Managing Director Dimitrios Charisiadis explained: "Our 75th anniversary is a significant milestone in the history of our company. The JUMO anniversary forest not only symbolizes our deep connection with the region, but also our commitment to a sustainable future."

This is because the initiative is an active contribution to combating climate change. The oaks planted in 2023 will be a valuable part of the ecosystem in the years to come, not only producing oxygen but also making an important contribution to reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

Helge E. Jost, organizer of the tree planting campaign and head of the JUMO anniversary team, also emphasized the importance of this measure: "The planting campaign for the JUMO anniversary forest is a great example of our colleagues' commitment to our planet. It shows how companies take responsibility and make a sustainable contribution to climate protection."

Dominic Wolf from the management team of the Hofbieber forestry office (HessenForst) also expressed his enthusiasm for the company's commitment: "Planting these oaks is an important step in the fight against climate change. This forest will bind carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for the people in the region. JUMO's commitment is exemplary and will have a positive impact on our environment."

The Hofbieber forestry office manages around 14,000 hectares of forest, the majority of which is located in the Hessian Rhön. The forests are characterized by beech and spruce, which dominate with one third each. Other important tree species are oak, pine and larch. This area is currently managed by the forestry office with nine hunting grounds. Overall, it is to be expected that the proportion of spruce will decrease significantly in favor of tree species such as beech, birch and maple.

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