Work of SOS Children's Villages more important than ever

JUMO Donation to SOS Children's Villages Worldwide: Creating Future Opportunities for Children

JUMO celebrated its 75th anniversary in style last year. Customers, partners, and employees were involved in numerous events – and the donation boxes (physical and online) for SOS Children's Villages worldwide were always part of the many special events. The JUMO management and project managers have now handed over a check for 30,000 euro to the children's rights organization.


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In 1949, Hermann Gmeiner founded the world's first SOS Children's Village in Imst, Tyrol. His vision: every abandoned, suffering child should have a mother, siblings, a home, and a village again where they can grow up in a safe and secure environment like other children.

These 4 principles have given rise to a worldwide organization that is mainly financed by private donations. Children currently find a new, safe home in 533 SOS Children's Villages in over 130 countries. In addition to the SOS Children's Villages, over 2000 programs such as kindergartens, schools, youth facilities, training and social centers, family support, health stations, and emergency aid projects are also open to the poorer neighborhoods of the SOS Children's Villages. Today, its worldwide work reaches 2.5 million people every year: children, young people, and family members.

JUMO Chief Executive Officer Dimitrios Charisiadis emphasized on the occasion of the donation handover: "The work of SOS Children's Villages is more important today than ever when we look at global wars and conflicts. We are delighted to be able to make a contribution with our donation to open up future opportunities for children in precarious situations."

Helge E. Jost, organizer of the donation campaign and head of the JUMO anniversary team, also praised the commitment of the employees, true to the company slogan "JUMO Gets It Done": "The JUMO colleagues have fully participated in the campaign – with great results". In the course of 2023, Jost was able to donate 450 euro (among other donations) from the JUMO cycling team to the donation box. However, by far the largest part of the sum was collected as part of the online fundraising campaign. Employees at the Fulda site also donated working hours converted into pay following a tree-planting campaign last fall, as well as other amounts. In total, over 5,000 euro were raised.

The donation was handed over to Magdalena Latzel, who is responsible for corporate partnerships at SOS Children's Villages. In Fulda, she presented the numerous programs with which the organization has been enabling children around the world to develop in a loving and individual manner for 75 years.

"JUMO is a multiplier and a role model because this unique anniversary campaign impressively demonstrates the great effect that can be achieved by involving all stakeholders – employees, customers, and management. We would like to thank JUMO for this valuable support in giving children access to high-quality education," said Latzel. The JUMO donation could be used for vocational training because that is the best way to help young people get started.

60,000 euro for JUMO's education work

In its anniversary year, JUMO donated a total of 60,000 euro for educational work: in light of its regional roots, local educational work was supported with 30,000 euro (sponsorship of the Inventors' Club of the Fulda Children's Academy) and, as an internationally active company, international educational work (SOS Children's Villages worldwide) with a further 30,000 euro.

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