Exciting start for new trainees

Welcome to JUMO: Get-to-know-you days already arouse enthusiasm and anticipation

For the new trainees, dual students and FOS interns at JUMO will soon begin an exciting new phase in their lives. To make it easier for them to get started and to get a taste of JUMO in advance, the family-owned company once again organized two get-to-know-you days this year.


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The second event took place on Tuesday, after the first had already been held at the beginning of May. "Both events were a complete success: our new colleagues and their parents received comprehensive information and gained their first insights into the company. They not only got to know some of our products and solutions, but also the partnership-based corporate culture that we live by," says Tamara Stauch, Head of Commercial Training. The two events are not only intended to reduce initial uncertainties, but also to promote exchanges between new and experienced trainees.

JUMO Managing Director Dimitrios Charisiadis warmly welcomed the prospective trainees and their parents and introduced the company. Head of Human Resources Alexandra Dantmann explained the idea behind the event. While the parents toured the company, the trainees took part in a World Café in which various topics relating to training were discussed and many unanswered questions were answered.

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