Project still on schedule and on budget

New JUMO plant in the Technology Park: Topping-out ceremony in record time

“We are all impressed by the efficiency and motivation,” JUMO shareholder Bernhard Juchheim praised the construction and trade companies involved. The reason: Only eight months after the groundbreaking ceremony, all partners involved celebrated the topping-out ceremony of the JUMO SENSILO plant in the Fulda-West Technology Park.


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"A topping-out ceremony in record time! This shows me the close teamwork and the mutual understanding of the partner companies for each other's work," Juchheim continued. The entire construction team is well-rehearsed and is not being held back by bad weather "The cooperation between the individual trades is going perfectly hand in hand here."

The costs also remain within the planned framework, as project manager Stefan Reith emphasized. "The construction and trade companies have enormous expertise and years of experience. These are two further reasons for the rapid construction progress," explained Reith.

Despite the increase in material costs and additional fire protection requirements since the start of construction, JUMO is currently a good 15 percent below the forecast costs. The project method developed for the project has so far been able to fully exploit its advantages, says Reith.

"Our model had the great advantage that those responsible at the companies had already known each other for twelve months before they went to the construction site," he added. With the integrated project management model, the contractors are integrated into the project right from the start of the planning phase and are therefore familiar with many of the details.

Production area of around 13,000 square meters

JUMO is building a plant for the production of temperature and pressure sensors in the Technology Park with a production area of around 13,000 square meters. These product areas have recently experienced above-average growth. JUMO therefore also sees great potential here in the coming years. At around 50 million euros, the new building is the largest investment in JUMO's history.

The next construction measures will now proceed quickly

After the topping-out ceremony, things are now moving quickly: the sprinkler system will be installed in mid-December. The wooden roof structure will be completed shortly before Christmas, followed by the trapezoidal sheet metal at the end of January 2024.

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